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Our most recent blog articles at a glance:

Sound revolution with the new beyerdynamic driver- TESLA.45

SOUND REVOLUTION WITH THE NEW BEYERDYNAMIC DRIVER – TESLA.45 With the launch of our new flagship studio headphones DT 1770 PRO MKII and DT 1990 PRO MKII, our new TESLA.45 driver was also used in our products for the first time. This latest generation of our Tesla driver technology has been redesigned from the ground up and features a 45-mm driver system with excellent resolution, extremely…

Kopfhöerertypen - Überblick - beyerdynamic

What types of headphones are there?

WHAT TYPES OF HEADPHONES ARE THERE? OVER-EAR, ON-EAR, IN-EAR, OPEN-EAR? CLOSED, OPEN, OR SEMI-OPEN? WHICH TYPE OF HEADPHONES SUITS YOU? When searching for the perfect headphones, you will encounter various types. To find the perfect headphones for you, your own ideas of comfort, everyday handling, visual appearance and sound preference should be precisely met. Not only differing taste and preferences,…

Was ist True Wireless - beyerdynamic

What is True Wireless?

WHAT IS TRUE WIRELESS? True wireless in-ears now number among the most widely used headphone models. This is not surprising – their small size brings users a huge amount of flexibility and freedom of movement. But what does “True Wireless” actually mean, and what is “True Wireless Stereo”? We’ll try to provide you with the answers. TABLE OF CONTENTS True…

100 years beyerdynamic - an exclusive Interview

Tradition and future prospects: an exclusive interview with our partners

Tradition and future prospects: an exclusive interview with our partners An exciting year is drawing to a close. In our anniversary year 2024, we took you on a journey through 100 years of company history and showed you the products and technologies that have shaped us during this time. Before this special year comes to a close for us, we would like…

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Dive into exciting articles about our PRO world.

Kann ich einen Studiokopfhörer für Gaming verwenden?

Are studio headphones also suitable for gaming?

ARE STUDIO HEADPHONES ALSO SUITABLE FOR GAMING? Creators prefer to use studio headphones when they’re producing music – particularly because of their neutral sound. But professional gamers too are also gravitating more and more towards our range of studio headphones. Below, we explain the differences between the models. TABLE OF CONTENTS How do studio headphones differ from gaming headphones? Studio…

Ohrpolster wechseln bei PRO Kopfhörer

How to: replacing ear pads on PRO headphones

HOW TO: REPLACING EAR PADS ON PRO HEADPHONES  After several years of wear and tear, or even shorter periods of particularly intensive use, replacing the ear pads on PRO headphones can bring a real boost in terms of sound. The pad material can deteriorate over time, with sweat and dust causing further detrimental effects. Consequently, your over-ear headphones may no…

STELLAR.45 von beyerdynamic

The new beyerdynamic driver in our PRO X headphones

THE NEW BEYERDYNAMIC DRIVER IN OUR PRO X HEADPHONES You have sent us a lot of questions about our new STELLAR.45 driver. In this blog article, we provide answers to your questions and team up with our engineers to give you detailed insights into how this new technology was developed and how it works. We are delighted by your keen interest in…


Dive into exciting articles about our PRO world.

Kann ich einen Studiokopfhörer für Gaming verwenden?

Are studio headphones also suitable for gaming?

ARE STUDIO HEADPHONES ALSO SUITABLE FOR GAMING? Creators prefer to use studio headphones when they’re producing music – particularly because of their neutral sound. But professional gamers too are also gravitating more and more towards our range of studio headphones. Below, we explain the differences between the models. TABLE OF CONTENTS How do studio headphones differ from gaming headphones? Studio…

Ohrpolster wechseln bei PRO Kopfhörer

How to: replacing ear pads on PRO headphones

HOW TO: REPLACING EAR PADS ON PRO HEADPHONES  After several years of wear and tear, or even shorter periods of particularly intensive use, replacing the ear pads on PRO headphones can bring a real boost in terms of sound. The pad material can deteriorate over time, with sweat and dust causing further detrimental effects. Consequently, your over-ear headphones may no…

STELLAR.45 von beyerdynamic

The new beyerdynamic driver in our PRO X headphones

THE NEW BEYERDYNAMIC DRIVER IN OUR PRO X HEADPHONES You have sent us a lot of questions about our new STELLAR.45 driver. In this blog article, we provide answers to your questions and team up with our engineers to give you detailed insights into how this new technology was developed and how it works. We are delighted by your keen interest in…

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Headphones | beyerdynamic


Find out all you need to know about headphones and the best sound in our headphones section. Whether studio or gaming headphones, in-ears or high-end headphones – exciting information awaits you!

Microphones | beyerdynamic


Have you always wanted to learn more about microphones? We regularly explain common terminology, show what is important when using microphones and offer insights into our production and development process.

Behind the Scenes | beyerdynamic

Behind the scenes

In our Behind the Scenes section, we take you behind the scenes at beyerdynamic and introduce you to exciting artists.