Sound revolution with the new beyerdynamic driver- TESLA.45

SOUND REVOLUTION WITH THE NEW BEYERDYNAMIC DRIVER – TESLA.45 With the launch of our new flagship studio headphones DT 1770 PRO MKII and DT 1990 PRO MKII, our new TESLA.45 driver was also used in our products for the first time. This latest generation of our Tesla driver technology has been redesigned from the ground up and features a 45-mm driver system with excellent resolution, extremely…

Kopfhöerertypen - Überblick - beyerdynamic

What types of headphones are there?

WHAT TYPES OF HEADPHONES ARE THERE? OVER-EAR, ON-EAR, IN-EAR, OPEN-EAR? CLOSED, OPEN, OR SEMI-OPEN? WHICH TYPE OF HEADPHONES SUITS YOU? When searching for the perfect headphones, you will encounter various types. To find the perfect headphones for you, your own ideas of comfort, everyday handling, visual appearance and sound preference should be precisely met. Not only differing taste and preferences,…

Was ist True Wireless - beyerdynamic

What is True Wireless?

WHAT IS TRUE WIRELESS? True wireless in-ears now number among the most widely used headphone models. This is not surprising – their small size brings users a huge amount of flexibility and freedom of movement. But what does “True Wireless” actually mean, and what is “True Wireless Stereo”? We’ll try to provide you with the answers. TABLE OF CONTENTS True…

MMX 330 PRO vs. MMX 300 PRO - beyerdynamic

MMX 330 PRO or MMX 300 PRO

MMX 330 PRO OR MMX 300 PRO: We provide a direct comparison in this blog post. With the new MMX 330 PRO, we have expanded our headset favourite and top seller MMX 300 PRO with an open design. While the MMX 300 PRO is closed and thus completely isolates ambient noise, we have modified the MMX 330 PRO so that…

Was sind Open-Ear-Kopfhörer?

What are open-ear headphones? Design, function & benefits simply explained!

WHAT ARE OPEN-EAR HEADPHONES? DESIGN, FUNCTION & BENEFITS SIMPLY EXPLAINED! Want to listen to the latest episode of your favourite podcast or enjoy your favourite tunes on your next run and still be able to take in noise from your surroundings? Not a problem! Our VERIO 200 open-ear headphones offer you the highest levels of listening satisfaction – without disrupting…

3D Audio Gaming MMX 300 PRO | beyerdynamic

Which headphones or headsets are suitable for 3D sound?

WHICH HEADPHONES OR HEADSETS ARE SUITABLE FOR 3D SOUND? SURROUND SOUND WITH HEADPHONES AND HEADSETS 3D audio, surround sound, immersion – many headphone manufacturers toss around these buzzwords in their ads. Most people are more familiar with surround sound from the home cinema sector. We are talking about such things as 5.1 or 7.1 systems that comprise several individual speakers and…

beyerdynamic Klinkenstecker & Klinkenadapter

Jack plugs – everything you need to know

JACK PLUGS – EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW Just who doesn’t know it, the good old jack plug? For a long time, the jack plug was simply the go-to connection for headphones, and the pin-shaped plug was found on almost all wired headphones. The mini jack was a snap to connect to any smartphone, tablet or MP3 player to enjoy…

MMX 300 vs MMX 300 PRO

MMX 300 (2nd Gen) vs. MMX 300 PRO: a product comparison of the gaming headsets

MMX 300 (2. GEN) VS. MMX 300 PRO: DIE GAMING-HEADSETS IM PRODUKTVERGLEICH The new addition to our MMX series has it all! Whether you are a professional gamer or it’s just a hobby, whether you stream your games, play on PC or console: The brand new MMX 300 PRO (2024) was designed and built for true gamers. Here is the product…

Headphones for jogging – our tip: VERIO 200

HEADPHONES FOR JOGGING – OUR TIP: VERIO 200 There is no doubt that exercise is healthy and helps you feel good. Jogging forms an important part of everyday life for many people and provides the necessary balance. Many amateur athletes turn to headphones to run to a motivating beat or their favourite podcast. But which headphone models are best suited…

DT und Edition im Vergleich: DT 990 PRO und DT 990 Edition

Products in comparison: headphones of the Edition and PRO Series

PRODUCTS IN COMPARISON: HEADPHONES OF THE EDITION AND PRO SERIES We frequently receive questions about the models in the Edition and PRO headphone series: Is the DT 990 PRO better than the DT 990 Edition? What is the difference between the DT 880 Edition and the DT 990 Edition? You can find answers to all these and other questions in this blog post. TABLE OF CONTENTS…

In-Ears reinigen - so säuberst und trocknest du deine In-Ear-Kopfhörer richtig!


CLEANING IN-EAR HEADPHONES: HERE’S HOW IT WORKS! THE RIGHT CLEANING, DRYING AND HYGIENE FOR YOUR IN-EARS In-ears are the smallest type of headphones and are very popular due to their size, compactness, and flexibility. In-ears are available in different versions, for example as wired in-ears, neckband in-ears or true wireless earbuds. As the in-ear sits directly in the ear, both…

Produktvergleich geschlossene Studio-Kopfhörer

Comparison of our closed studio headphones

COMPARISON OF OUR CLOSED STUDIO HEADPHONES DT 770 PRO X Limited Edition vs. DT 770 PRO vs. DT 700 PRO X vs. DT 1770 PRO When buying studio headphones, it is important to understand the subtle differences between different models in order to make the best choice to suit your requirements. In this article, we will make a detailed comparison…

DT 770 PRO und DT 990 PRO Produktvergleich

Headphones in comparison: DT 770 PRO vs DT 990 PRO – sound, range of uses and much more

HEADPHONES IN COMPARISON: DT 770 PRO VS DT 990 PRO – SOUND, RANGE OF USES AND MUCH MORE Not sure which headphones and design are best for you? In this blog post, we go into detail about the range of uses, sound, features and impedance variants. TABLE OF CONTENTS Range of uses The range of uses is a decisive factor…

20 important audio technology terms you should know

20 IMPORTANT AUDIO TECHNOLOGY TERMS YOU SHOULD KNOW In the world of audio technology, there are a multitude of terms and technologies that can often be confusing for beginners. In this blog post you will find a list of key terms that will help you to better understand the basics of audio technology: TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. RCA plug RCA plugs…

MMX 200 und Playstation 5

PCM (pulse code modulation) vs. bitstream: Which audio setting is better?

PCM VS. BITSTREAM: WHICH AUDIO SETTING IS BETTER? You have connected your Playstation or another device to the AV receiver and are now faced with the choice between “Linear PCM” and “DTS (Bitstream)”? In this article, we’ll help you make the right TABLE OF CONTENTS PCM and LPCM PCM, or pulse code modulation, is a general term for digital audio…

beyerdynamic Headsets für Gaming

Key points to consider when purchasing a gaming headset

KEY POINTS TO CONSIDER WHEN PURCHASING A GAMING-HEADSET A great gaming headset is an absolute must for anyone seeking a fun, action-packed gaming experience. A headset is essentially a combination of a set of headphones and a microphone, designed to enable you to really get in on the action. Online gaming with friends via the likes of Discord and TeamSpeak makes the…

MMX Serie Gaming-Headsets - beyerdynamic

MMX 100, MMX 150 AND MMX 300 and MMX 200 wireless – Differences between gaming headsets

MMX 100, MMX 150, MMX 300 & MMX 200 WIRELESS – DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GAMING HEADSETS We recently added the MMX 200 wireless to our MMX series. Also encompassing the MMX 150, MMX 100,  MMX 300, this series now satisfies a wide range of requirements and caters for extremely varied areas of use. You are probably now wondering which gaming headset you should opt for. This article…

beyerdynamic blog impedanz berechnen was sagt die impedanz aus

What impedance should I choose for my headphones?

WHAT IMPEDANCE SHOULD I CHOOSE FOR MY HEADPHONES? What’s going on?! The high-quality over-ear headphones with an impedance of 600 ohms that received rave reviews online from all the experts sounded fantastic in the store when you tried them out but now that you’ve connected them to your smartphone you’re hearing a quiet whisper instead of a full and rich sound. Are…

T1 (3. Generation) Ohrpolster | beyerdynamic

Replacing ear pads on the T1 (3rd gen.), Amiron wireless and MMX 300

REPLACING EAR PADS ON THE T1 (3. GEN.), AMIRON WIRELESS AND MMX 300 It’s a familiar problem. After a period of intensive use, your headphones no longer look as immaculate as they used to. But that’s no reason to put them to one side and stop using them. Anything but! Many models allow you to simply replace the ear pads…

STELLAR.45 von beyerdynamic

The new beyerdynamic driver in our PRO X headphones

THE NEW BEYERDYNAMIC DRIVER IN OUR PRO X HEADPHONES You have sent us a lot of questions about our new STELLAR.45 driver. In this blog article, we provide answers to your questions and team up with our engineers to give you detailed insights into how this new technology was developed and how it works. We are delighted by your keen interest in…

Kann ich einen Studiokopfhörer für Gaming verwenden?

Are studio headphones also suitable for gaming?

ARE STUDIO HEADPHONES ALSO SUITABLE FOR GAMING? Creators prefer to use studio headphones when they’re producing music – particularly because of their neutral sound. But professional gamers too are also gravitating more and more towards our range of studio headphones. Below, we explain the differences between the models. TABLE OF CONTENTS How do studio headphones differ from gaming headphones? Studio…

eSport Karriere Header

eSports: How can I become a pro gamer?

eSPORTS: HOW CAN I BECOME A PRO GAMER? Playing your favourite game all day long instead of going to the office is the dream of many hobby gamers. And the esports scene isn’t only booming, it has become mainstream. The hype surrounding pro gamers has risen to new heights, with streaming playing a major role. Discussions have even taken place…

XELENTO (2. Generation): Goldschmiede

Design and engineering: High-end at a new level

DESIGN AND ENGINEERING: HIGH-END AT A NEW LEVEL MAKING CHERISHED PRODUCTS EVEN BETTER – BUT HOW? As our high-end T1 and T5 headphones have so impressively demonstrated, our products stand out because of the quality of their materials and not only due to the brilliance of their sound. When planning the successor product to our first-generation XELENTO, the challenge was…

beyerdynamic die Wahl der richtigen Ohrpolster

Choosing the right ear pads

CHOOSING THE RIGHT EAR PADS Ear pads are designed to nestle snugly up to your ears and make headphones comfortable to wear. But what happens if the ear pads of your headphones become worn due to constant use and exposure to sweat, dust and even moisture? This blog article will answer that question and tell you when you should consider…

Passform von In-Ears - beyerdynamic

Perfectly fitting in-ears & eartips for optimum sound

PERFECTLY FITTING IN-EARS & EARTIPS FOR OPTIMUM SOUND The sound quality of in-ear headphones is greatly influenced by how well they fit into the user’s auditory canal. Because no two ears are the same, a perfect fit is an individual issue. To accommodate this, in-ears are given as organic a design as possible. Eartips come in many different materials, shapes…

beyerdynamic Kopfhörer reinigen

Cleaning headphones: This is how it’s done

CLEANING HEADPHONES: THIS IS HOW IT’S DONE Regardless of the type of headphones you use – over-ear, on-ear or in-ear – they’re all inevitably exposed to environmental influences during daily use, be it dust, ear wax or moisture. Regularly cleaning your headphones will definitely make a big difference to their longevity. This article explains how you can clean your over-ear…

beyerdynamic - Was ist ANC?

What is Active Noise Cancelling?

WHAT IS ACTIVE NOISE CANCELLING? Whether you’re on the train, sitting in a coffee bar or lounging in the library, headphones are an unbeatable way of enjoying music or listening to an audio book. In-ear models or over-ear, closed-back headphones are best suited to keeping out ambient noise. But anyone looking for absolute peace and quiet, whether it’s on a…

Hi-Res-Audio Guide: alles, was du wissen musst.

What is hi-res audio?

WHAT IS HI-RES AUDIO? LEARN EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW For a period of more than 40 years, from its introduction right through to the mid-2010s, the CD was regarded as the gold standard for digital audio quality. It was only knocked off its pinnacle by the introduction of high-resolution audio. But why? The following guide tells you exactly what…

Ohrpolster wechseln bei PRO Kopfhörer

How to: replacing ear pads on PRO headphones

HOW TO: REPLACING EAR PADS ON PRO HEADPHONES  After several years of wear and tear, or even shorter periods of particularly intensive use, replacing the ear pads on PRO headphones can bring a real boost in terms of sound. The pad material can deteriorate over time, with sweat and dust causing further detrimental effects. Consequently, your over-ear headphones may no…

Impedanz & Spielerlebnis | beyerdynamic BLOG

What does impedance have to do with your gaming enjoyment?

WHAT DOES IMPEDANCE HAVE TO DO WITH YOUR GAMING ENJOYMENT?  GAMING HEADSETS AND GAMING HEADPHONES The new consoles are on the way, and the topic of immersive sound is becoming more important than ever before for both gaming studios and the gaming community. Sound design will therefore define the gaming experience to an ever-greater extent, no matter what the platform.…

Made in Germany: T1 und T5 (3. Generation) | beyerdynamic

Made in Germany–Third-Generation T1 and T5

MADE IN GERMANY – THIRD-GENERATION T1 and T5 In 1924, Eugen Beyer founded his own company in Berlin. Called “Elektrotechnische Fabrik Eugen Beyer”, it laid the foundations for one of the world’s leading manufacturers of headphones, microphones and conference systems, and for the company now known as beyerdynamic GmbH & Co. KG. Eugen Beyer First introduced in 1887, the Made…